History of touch screens in cars

Mourning woman, old tomb sculpture

The history of touch screens in cars can be traced back to the 1980s. The first touch screens were used in high-end luxury cars and were primarily used for controlling the climate control and stereo systems. However, these early touch screens were relatively basic and lacked the functionality and responsiveness of modern touch screens.

In the 1990s, touch screens became more common in cars, as car manufacturers began to experiment with integrating more advanced electronics and computer systems into their vehicles. Touch screens were used to control various functions, such as the navigation system and vehicle diagnostics.

However, it wasn’t until the 2000s that touch screens became more widespread in cars. With the increasing popularity of smartphones and tablets, car manufacturers began to incorporate touch screens with more advanced features and functionality into their vehicles.

Today, touch screens are a common feature in most modern cars, with many vehicles featuring large, high-resolution screens that can be used for controlling a wide range of functions, from climate control and entertainment systems to vehicle settings and navigation.

As touch screen technology continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see even more advanced touch screens in cars in the coming years, with features such as haptic feedback, gesture recognition, and more becoming commonplace.